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Candy Cane Christmas Tree Pick Up Game * ages 2+

The Candy Cane Christmas Tree Pick Up Game is a fun holiday game and all you need to make it are some pipe cleaners! Great for developing fine motor and concentration skills.

MATERIALS NEEDED (affiliate links):

* Holiday pipe cleaners

* Bowl


1. Start by making Christmas trees with pipe cleaners. We made two different versions. Our spiral trees were made by coiling a pipe cleaner in circles and then pulling the middle up. The triangular trees were made by folding a triangle in about 1 inch sections, then creating the three dimensional branches and looping them together.

2. Create a candy cane by swirling red and white pipe cleaners together and then filing them in half and bending the top to look like a candy cane.

3. Ask the child to pick up the trees using only the candy cane.  My 6 year old was able to easily do this, but my 2 year old needed to use his other hand to help him pick up the trees.

4. Once all the trees have been moved to a bowl, have the child empty the bowl and set up the trees to repeat the activity again.

Get holiday pipe cleaners similar to ours here:

Check out Oliver and Alexander playing the game in the below video:


* Make it a competition and have two children compete to see who can pick up the most trees.

* Have the children use two candy canes to pick up the trees.

* See how many trees the child can pick up at one time.

Looking for more holiday activities? Check out all our winter/holiday activities here.

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