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Halloween Chopstick Pick Up * ages 2+

Halloween Chopstick Pick Up - Fine Motor Skills Activity

Halloween Chopstick Pick Up 🎃 ages 2+ 🎃 Here’s an excellent fine motor activity that’s perfect for Halloween! It also only takes a few minutes to set up!


* A shallow lid or box (We used the lid of a plastic storage container we got at Target.)

* Rubber Bands

* Lots of Halloween goodies like spiders, mini erasers, pom poms and eyeball bouncy balls (We got most of our at the Target Dollar Spot)

* Kids chopsticks (these are great for so many activities so I highly recommend getting them!


1. Start by wrapping some rubber bands around a shallow lid or box.

2. Toss in as many Halloween goodies as you can find! We found some Pom pins, eyeball bouncy balls, spiders, centipedes, mini erasers, and skulls! Anything will work!

3. Finally Give the kids some chopsticks and ask them to remove as many as they could! We assigned higher points to the bigger items and made it a contest. So fun and kept them entertained for at least 45 minutes!

The boys loved this activity and both had different strategies.  My 2 year old (Alexander) only wanted to pick up the mini-erasers (which I thought were one of the hardest things to pick up!). He was so determined to pick them up and collected a whole bowl full of them.  My 6 year old (Oliver) went right for all the large items like the skulls and spiders.  These were challenging as well but it was so cool to see them try different strategies to pick up the toys.

Get kids chopsticks here (referral link):

Check out the boys in action doing the Halloween Chopstick Pick Up in the below video:

For more Halloween ideas check out all of our Halloween/Fall Activities here.

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