Cookie Fossil Dig * ages 3+

Have a little one who loves dinosaurs and fossils? Then this activity is for them! A cookie fossil dig is so simple to set up and is sure to entertain and engage kids as well as give them a yummy treat!

Video of Cookie Fossil Dig:

Check out the below video to see Alexander doing the cookie fossil dig!

And don’t forget to check out our NEW book  100 Easy STEAM Activities is full of fun games and creative projects to learn early concepts in Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Math with materials you already have around the house!


100 Easy Steam Activities Cover

Materials Needed: (affiliate links)

What to do:

  1. Start by washing hands as cookies will be eaten during this activity!
  2. Placed a cookie and a toothpick on a tray.
  3. Instruct the child to use the toothpick to “dig” for “fossils” aka chocolate chips in the cookie using only the toothpick.
  4. Have the child count how many chocolate chips they are able to extract from the cookie.
  5. When the activity is done, eat the cookie!

Skills Learned in this Activity:

  • Fine motor skills
  • Pincer grasp
  • Problem solving
  • Patience
  • Counting
  • Sorting (sort colors if using colored chips)

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