Lint Roller Worm Pick Up * ages 1-3

Lint Roller Pipe Cleaner Worm Pick Up πŸ› ages 1-3 πŸ› This activity was so simple to set up and had Alexander entertained for at least 20 minutes.

Lint Roller Pipe Cleaner Worm Pickup Video

Check out Alexander in action in the below video:

Materials needed (affiliate links):

Pipe cleaners

Lint roller

Pair of scissors


Start by cutting some pipe cleaners into two-inch sections. Then give the pipe cleaner pieces a small bend in the middle just so they aren’t totally straight. Finally, give your toddler a lint roller and ask them to pick up the pipe cleaner worms with the lint roller and place in a bowl. Alexander immediately understood what I was asking him to do and proceeded to pick up all the worms.

He then emptied the bowl onto the table, spread out the worms and started the activity again. This activity is great for fine motor skills, crossing the midline, color identification (you can ask them to pick up specific colored worms) and even number recognition (ask them to collect a specific number of worms).


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